
Earth is the topic of my third book. This is an excerpt from it:

All I can say is that what man calls progress is, indeed, a real deterioration at all levels. Earth has suffered enough so far from human interference. If we pretend to be intelligent creatures, we had better change our attitude and preserve our little planet instead of seeking another elsewhere in the immense universe!



As a Mediterranean, I worry a lot about the state of our sea. Fish is our main menu. But, because of pollution, The Mediterranean is threatened. It is a semi-enclosed sea, which makes it a vulnerable area. The discharge of chemical materials is a devastating evil that is slowly killing wildlife. The most important industry is tourism, especially in southern countries. It requires first and foremost quality. Many tourists flee the big cities in search of calm and cleanliness. Therefore, it is necessary to take serious measures to protect untouched areas and repair those that are already affected.
Tourism would also be a link between north and south and a converging point where their interests meet in favor of The Mediterranean and its peoples.

22 Jan 2013

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